Saturday, October 31, 2009

I Am From.....

I am from people singing "hallelujah"and"praise God".
I am from the taste of communion bread and promise rings.
I am from faith and victory.
I am from "love the Lord your God.
I am from the valley of the shadow of death.
I am from the altar and my bible.
I am from the Father, the son and the Holy spirit.
I am from encouraging and encouragement.
I am from Sunday church and Friday youth service.
I am from decons and deconesses.
I am from "Amen" and "Thanks to God".
I am from dying to self and living for God.
I am from cold baptizing waters.
I am from prayer and worship.
I am from the Ten commandments.
I am from overcoming.
I am from mercy and grace.
I am from sin and sorrow.
I am from joy and jubilee.
I am from preaching and teaching.
I am from religion vs. lifestyle.
I am from people asking in surprise,
"what did u just say??! I thought yo were a christian!"
I am from my calling to my own life plan.
I am from my calling to my own life plan.
I am from adoration's and devotions.
I am from humbled hearts.
I am from mistakes and failing.
I am from forgiveness and embrace.
I am from Jesus Christ.



lahana said...

...intense and beautiful.