Saturday, June 20, 2009

if i spoke

If I Spoke...

If i told u what u really meant to me, how would you respond?? would u laugh in my face and turn me away?? Would you lie just to make me feel better?? would u ignore me?? would u even care?? would u care if i told u u were all i wanted?? would u mind if i said i wanted u all to myself?? would it matter to u that i longed to hear your voice, and that your opinion was one of the few that mattered the most when it came to my life style?? would u care if i said you were one of the greatest people i had ever met?? would it be better if i just said nothing at all?? Because if i didn't say anything at all, nothing would be different. But if i spoke, maybe we'd change... ya know??........



Grandma said...

Jenn, I love this poem. It made me cry but felt relieved because of its truth.
