Monday, December 21, 2009

Perfect Song.

There's always that song; that song that I try to think of, but just cant find. That song that I'm expecting to describe exactly how I'm feeling, even before I know what I'm feeling. I just want that song to make everything that went wrong, right. But I can never seem to find that perfect song. And when I cant find that perfect song to make things right, I have to then rely on myself to make things right.......without the song. I want my writing to be the feelings that people don't know they feel, and I want them to be the perfect words instead of the perfect song.
I want the words that I write to glorify God. I want to speak the words of others hearts and write the words for people who aren't yet bold enough to speak for themselves. If someone cant find the perfect song, I want them to turn to the words that I write and the words that I've written. That is my goal in terms of my writing.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cats Rock!!!!!!!!!

--"WOW, ur really close to the screen"

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I hate promises, most fail.
Only God can keep a promise.
I won't believe anyone else
because they always let me down.
God has NEVER let me down, not once.
And he never will.
And THAT i can trust.

--Jennifer Salas

Saturday, November 14, 2009


There are some clowns that are just fun-loving clowns looking for a good laugh.

Then there are clowns that live to take others "down" with them.

Then there are clowns that don't know they're clowns.......
(picture by:Jennifer Salas and Frank Salas)

They live everyday feeling okay, looking okay, having everyone else see the same thing......your mask; the mask that you paint on a clown. But what does God see?? He see's whats under the mask, and it hides so much. It hides who you are so that not even you will know whats under it. Gods see's a clown when you see a christian. He see's a desperate clown that needs someone to wipe away the makeup. A clown that may be fake and stubborn. Who are we to hide from God?? He see's straight through the makeup; straight through the mask, straight through the front we put up. God doesn't want emotion from you, he wants commitment. He wants the walk, not the talk. We're running to the circus that is the world that will accept all our junk when we should be running to the One and only God himself who can take the junk away and wipe the sad clown tears from our sad clown faces. People everywhere see you as someone who has their life together, but you see, that's the mask. Once you wipe away the makeup,everyone will see the beast that's under, they'll see the clown and the mask and all the circus junk that comes with it. But that clown will soon be broken because of their unveiling. They will be broken, desperate, needy clowns, but that's what God wants. He wants us to be broken clowns before him, and he wants us to know what we are.......clowns. What kinds of clowns will we be?? Clowns that continue to enjoy our own ways??? Clowns that thrive to take our brothers and sisters "down" with us??? We all know that we're clowns now, so do we wanna just continue to front like we don't know or care?? Or do we wanna be broken clowns before God; broken, needy, desperate clowns for God. The kind of clowns that make a fool of themselves in front of the world just to do Gods will??? The choice is yours. But if your choice is to keep going on like you never herd this, then your deciding to stay at the crossroads, because your going to have to decide someday. And as you grow old, your going to stay in the same place while you see all your friends and family being used and being taken to higher places in spirit and in the church. We all have to make decisions, even me. And as i write here, my fear is to stay in the same place that i am today. Your not the only clown in this world. We all are; but what clown will you choose to be???

Thursday, November 12, 2009

"I told my mom once that boys don't cry;
that's something I can't do.
She said 'your right boy's don't cry,
that's something a man do.' "

-Rafael Casal

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I'M Bored! :)

Mission Possible

There is no such thing as mission impossible.
Missions are goals, and goals are meant to be reached.

"Mission: An operation that is assigned by a higher headquarters."

My higher headquarters is Gods kingdom
and God the father assigns my missions.

- Jennifer Salas

Might As Well Not Think At All

I wrote this poem for an assignment at school. It's about how the students in school during world war 2 weren't learning things that they should. They were learning about wars, and hate, and racism. The poem is written in perspective of the students in Weimar Republic during world war 2. Enjoy! :)

"We Might As Well Not Think At all"

Naturally, we'd use our brains to think

and to learn and discover new things;
but not us.
We're learning racism, hate, and the name of Hitler,
things that either shouldn't be tought
or names that give us a bad reputation.
Our minds are restrained,
limited by the government.
They don't care about our education,
only about teaching discrimination.


Yea, I hate it when people do stuff too, it's like, ugh!! Gosh!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

No More Pain

I don't know.
Only God knows where the story ends for me.
But I know where the story begins.
It's up to us to choose weather we win or lose.
And I choose to WIN!!!
~Mary J. blige~

Vengeance Was Ours

Okay, i Wrote this poem called "vengeance Was Ours" for a class i take called
We & They. We've been learning about the Weimar Republic and world war 2. And when the war was over, Germany agreed to pay all of the costs of the war, and to accept all of the blame. Germany reduced their army to about 1,000 soldiers. And during the war, submarines were used often and Germany didn't have any submarines. Things in Germany were really bad, and Germany had no money (they were broke). So even the sweetest people like grandma's who usually (yet stereotypically) bake cookies for their grandchildren and knit warm sweaters were stealing and lying and gambling for money. Also the education in schools during the war in Germany wasn't too good. They students were learning hate, discrimination, and racism; basically nothing that was teaching them any good. The money in Germany during the war was worth nothing; for example, you'd go to the corner store and pay 10,000,000 for a bag of chips. So what people did for fire was they'd burn their money instead of spend their life savings for 1 small block of wood that would barely fill their fire place. And as the soldiers were fighting, they thought they were winning. But their King was informed that they were actually losing and he didn't want the soldiers to know so what the king did after he found out was he
gave up the throne and fled the country and he ran because his country was losing. So in the end, Germany lost because America and Russia kicked their butts. lol. jp. BUT!!, during the war, the holocaust was going on as well. The German Nazi's were killing Jews and Gypsies and it was all kept secret; that's why it lasted so long. In this poem, I described what the German Nazi's did as the German's "vengeance" against America and Russia because they won the war, (I'm guessing that Germany wasn't too happy about that.) BUT, the reason that German Nazi's were only killing Jews and Gypsies was because they were racist. Adolf Hitler started the racist act, but everyone else followed so i don't think all the blame should be on Hitler (in my opinion). So basically, this is what the following poem is about. The poem is in Germany's perspective, so it's like the country of Germany is Speaking. Sorry for this VERY, VERY long explanation for a VERY, VERY short poem. lol But i guess it wouldn't hurt for people to know about this stuff. Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy!! :)

Vengeance Was Ours

I pay all costs.
Accept all blame.
Reduce my army.
No submarines.
Politicians cheat,
and they cheat on me.
Things got so bad, grandma became a lying thief.
Treaty of Versailles ruined my economy.
Stock markets crashed;
This is all just blasphemy.
Our children are learning just what our money is worth....Nothing!!
And as we're losing our war, our king is running.
People looking for food and homes, running frantic like a zoo.
But vengeance was ours
And now you see what we've done to you.

I Am From.....

I am from people singing "hallelujah"and"praise God".
I am from the taste of communion bread and promise rings.
I am from faith and victory.
I am from "love the Lord your God.
I am from the valley of the shadow of death.
I am from the altar and my bible.
I am from the Father, the son and the Holy spirit.
I am from encouraging and encouragement.
I am from Sunday church and Friday youth service.
I am from decons and deconesses.
I am from "Amen" and "Thanks to God".
I am from dying to self and living for God.
I am from cold baptizing waters.
I am from prayer and worship.
I am from the Ten commandments.
I am from overcoming.
I am from mercy and grace.
I am from sin and sorrow.
I am from joy and jubilee.
I am from preaching and teaching.
I am from religion vs. lifestyle.
I am from people asking in surprise,
"what did u just say??! I thought yo were a christian!"
I am from my calling to my own life plan.
I am from my calling to my own life plan.
I am from adoration's and devotions.
I am from humbled hearts.
I am from mistakes and failing.
I am from forgiveness and embrace.
I am from Jesus Christ.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

You don't have to Hide anymore

"And if you feel like no one understands,
come to the one with scars on his hands.
Cause he knows where u are and where you've been.
His scars will heal you if you let him."

By~Joy Williams~

Saturday, October 17, 2009


As we met, we hadn't known how we would end up.
But love is selfless, giving more than it takes;
and it gave us it's whole self.
People say that art without an audience or purpose is powerless,
but we are art and we are power.
I love you always. :)))
You say "dancing is my air, and i live to breathe."
And we dance to music, right??
well, "music is my language" and I'll speak all day if that's what it takes....


I LOVE YOU........

I feel you.
I hear you.
I smell you.
I breathe you.
But all these layers are keeping me from you.
I try to push past them but they keep appearing.
I dont know what to do.
I try to use my own strength but the more i do, the farther away i feel your presence.
I stop for a moment and remember how to cry out, so i do,
I call for your name through all the layers of junk, and blindness, and deafness, and deceit.
And then you appear in front of me.
I feel you.
I hear you.
I smell you.
I breathe you.
Then i realize, calling out to you is all it took.....


Thursday, October 15, 2009


I'm so in love with you and i haven't even met you.
Your beautiful and i haven't even seen you.
I love everything about you but so far, i know nothing about you.
You are perfect to me.
You are my other half.
You are half of me and I am half of you.
We are in love but we haven't loved yet.
We are in our seperate worlds,

but we will soon be united,
and our love will be complete when i am in your arms and when your in mine.
Lets search for eachother, like a scavenger hunt,

and when we find eachother, our prize will be us,
us against the world.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Okay, i herd this song a while ago and I listened to the words and it really gave me a wake up call to what this world is really like. I want you guys to listen to it. And if you cant listen to it, I wrote the lyrics below for you. I think its called "who you represent"by Richie Righteous

WHO YOU REPRESENT~ by Richie Righteous
Ayo we represent God Who you represent!!? (x7)
Ayo we represent God

We represent God
Ayo we rep rep rep rep represent God.
Ayo we represent God
We represent God
Ayo we rep rep rep rep represent God.

you gotta keep a close eye on the people that you move with.
Everybody now a days be marching in the movement.
some ain't gon like what I'm saying in my song
cus they be marching for the right to do what is the wrong.
Abortion is a sin. Homosex is a sin.
And if you were born that way then you can be born again.
sometimes i really wonder if this world is listening
we are not the same, i am a christian.
I rep the bible. Christ is what I'm into.
It should show if he has a relationship with you.
take up your cross. deny yourself and follow me.

If you are a man of God you cannot watch pornography.

You can't fornicate so throw away the condoms.

I don't care how much honey say she wants em.
Even when they not looking, rep him to the core,
Rep him in the public eye and behind closed doors.
Who you represent!!?(x8)

Ayo we represent God.

We represent God
Ayo we rep rep rep rep represent God.
Ayo we represent God
We represent God

Ayo we rep rep rep rep represent God.
now don't get me wrong,
I'm not tryna start a riot

But i do believe the church has been too quiet.

while the world is busy marching,
legalizing everything,

but what they really want to legalize is SIN.
same sex marriages.
Lemme just testify,
when you legalize that then here comes the pedifile.
End of polygamist. End of one who weed smoke.

Next you know you gon have to legalize................................$#^^%#&
Enduce birth abortion, you are anti life.
This is a lawless society who's anti-Christ.
God hates racism and he hates to see injustice,
The question that I'm asking is where are the churches???

They keep telling me 'learn to tolerate,' but when i say what i believe
then they tell me that it's hate,
but i love all sinners and i don't discriminate.
But when it comes to sin i refuse to participate.
Who you represent!!? (x8)
Ayo we represent God.
We represent God
Ayo we rep rep rep rep represent God.
Ayo we represent God.
We represent God.
Ayo we rep rep rep rep represent God.

Now come into my classroom, grab a chair, please sit.

A lot of things we think is cool God ain't really pleased with.
You think you get away with it because it's done in secret,

but you fool yourself because he always see's it.
I been bought with a price and yes i am lovin it.

God so loved the world that his only son.......................@*&%$^%&**&

On the cross, now I am under his government.
The rainbow's not a sign of gay pride but of a covenant.
This is not a hate speech, this is just a warning;
what you call a lifestyle God already called sin.
This world is impatient,they constantly racing.
I switched up my style to bring it to your generation.
Who need's salvation?, you are so unaware.
There's a God up above and he really do care.

But you built up a great wall around you like China,
your a perfect disaster.
Tell me, who's your designer??
Who you represent!!?(x8)
Ayo we represent God.
We represent God.
Ayo we rep rep rep rep represent God.
Ayo we represent God.
We represent God.

Ayo we rep rep rep rep represent God.
Now who you represent!!!!!!!?

"im a christian" by Maya Angelou

My brother showed me this really cool poem
by Maya Angelou. Its called "I'm a christian". It spoke to me.
Hopefully it speaks to you.

I'M A CHRISTIAN by Maya Angelou

When i say..."I'm a christian"
I'm not shouting "I'm clean living"
I'm whispering "i was lost,"
now I'm found and forgiven.

When i say..."I'm a christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that i stumble
and need CHRIST to be my guide.

When i say..."I'm a christian,"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak
and need HIS strength to carry on.

When i say..."I'm a christian,"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting i have failed
and need God to clean my mess.

When i say..."I'm a christian,"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
my flaws are far too visible
but, God believes I'm worth it.

When i say..."I'm a christian,"
i still feel the sting of pain,
i have my share of heartaches
so i call upon his name.

When i say..."I'm a christian,"
I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner
who received God's good grace, somehow.

Author ~Maya Angelou~

Saturday, September 26, 2009


The mystery in me,
You haven't yet figured it out.
I'm as difficult to figure out as a foreign equation.
When you meet me you'll stick by me like static electricity.
But there are certain things inside me, that in a way, define me.
The leader in me covers up the weak in me.
The follower in me covers up the control freak in me.
The boriqua in me creates the heritage in me.
The Jennifer in me creates the Jesse in me
and the Jesse in me creates the Salas in me.

The God i serve creates the
Life in me,
The love in me,
The faith in me,
The trust in me,
The air i breathe,
In and out of me, faithfully, and constantly.
You see, i'm like a soldier in God's army.
There's also the jerk in me.
The singer in me.
The writer in me.
The poet in me.
The sanctified troublemaker in me.
The hater in me.
The hated in me.
The nerd in me.
The paranoia in me.
The melodramatic in me.
The New York City sky scrapers in me.
The the subway stations in me.
The sound of Hector Lavoe in me.
A little bit of east river in me.
The sound of street performers in me.
The 7:00 am rush hour in me.
The taste of juniors cheescake in Times Square in me.
The encourager in me.
The music in me.
The pop, rock, soul, and opera in me.
The R&B, hip-hop, Gospel in me.
Did you know that there's an artist in me??
A voice in me.
A light in me
That will shine bright eventually.
I'm like Monet taking the roll of Vango.
I'm the start of a new generation filled with Picasso's and Da Vinci's.
I blend in like camouflage, but i stand out of the stereo-typical Puerto Rican.
But there's still that little bit of punk in me.
That little bit of junk in me that i lock away.
That little bit of soul in me.
That little piece of heaven in me.
These things define and create whats inside of me.
And even still ya don't know the mystery in me.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sneaker inspiration

My inspiration for this
sneaker was chocola


Not so bad

Not so bad.

.....Although, telling the truth might be a way of getting over you. Saying this was pretty much all about you might help me to let go. But if i didn't make my feelings known, then nothing would be different; I'd just be hiding it forever. Telling you might not be too bad, i could get things off my chest. So do i just take that step and scream it at the top of my lungs!? or do shut myself off like all the other times and refuse to let go of any control i had left?? I think that's partly why i hesitated to tell you; having control, knowing that i had the power to just let it out, or play games. I chose to play games for a while, but that didn't last forever. And yes, telling you would mean losing all that power, but..... i took a chance. And it isn't so bad.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

i know now.

I Know Now.

I know now that speaking my heart to you would be pointless. I know now that if i did I'd make myself look foolish. I know now that I'm only a child and friend to u and that you'd never feel about me the way I've felt about u. I know now that we're not meant for each other.
I know now that even if we were, you'd never agree to be with someone like me. I know now that God is preparing someone even greater for me, and he's preparing someone greater for you. I know now that letting go might not be as hard as getting hurt by telling u. And although i want to tell u how i feel so bad, I know now that letting go will probably be the smartest thing i can do in this situation. And as i said earlier, giving up doesnt always mean ur weak, sometimes it means ur strong for letting go.....


Saturday, June 20, 2009

if i spoke

If I Spoke...

If i told u what u really meant to me, how would you respond?? would u laugh in my face and turn me away?? Would you lie just to make me feel better?? would u ignore me?? would u even care?? would u care if i told u u were all i wanted?? would u mind if i said i wanted u all to myself?? would it matter to u that i longed to hear your voice, and that your opinion was one of the few that mattered the most when it came to my life style?? would u care if i said you were one of the greatest people i had ever met?? would it be better if i just said nothing at all?? Because if i didn't say anything at all, nothing would be different. But if i spoke, maybe we'd change... ya know??........


Friday, June 19, 2009

My Heart Says

My heart says.....

All i wanted wen i met u was to b ur grrl. But i never expected u to like me. I never expected anything to happen because of a lot of reasons. i just hoped that we could grow closer as friends; but u wont even give me that. It's like u act like i don't exist, and wen u do actually hear me speak,it seems like u don't always listen. I hate that i don't really interest you. I hate that u let stupid grrlz flirt with u ; i hate that u flirt back. u never wanna talk to me and... I'm starting to lose hope, hope that we could be more than we are, weather it be friends not. I just wanna tell u so much, i want u to hear how i think, see how i act wen I'm not trying to Impress anyone, including u. And i want to know those things about u. Ya see, I'm interested in everything that u have to say, u just don't feel the same way. But i think ur incredible, one of the sweetests guys i've ever met and through my eyes u truly are a trendsetter. I'd never say that to anyone. I don't expect u to think of me differently anytime soon or ever. I just had to get these feelings out because if i didn't, i'd burst. But after a while i figured these feelings cant last forever, they'll b gone soon enough. I have to push past it because giving up doesnt always mean ur weak, sometimes it means ur strong for letting go.....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

i wonder..........

........I wonder, why do people park in the driveway and drive in the parkway....????

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Well this is my sneaker. My inspiration for this sneaker was my favorite season, autumn. I based the colors around the colors during autumn.(Obviously. lol)


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Sneaker Inspiration

These are the things that I think of when I see converse ALLSTAR sneakers.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Trash Talk bubbl


Monday, April 27, 2009


Friday, March 6, 2009



Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Check Spelling

De Beers...
Diamonds Could Be Cheap.

De Beers wants us to believe that diamonds are rare and valuable.
one unconfirmed rumor suggested that during
the depression in the 1930s ,
the market was so bad that De Beers considered dumping huge amounts of diamonds into the ocean. In magazines, advertisements, movies, songs, and music videos support De Beers message by talking about how much they love diamonds. But they don't talk about where they come from.